The Year of Yes (2021)

It has taken me some time to properly reflect on 2021. Now that I have, I can confidently say I lived up to the Year of Yes.

When 2020 was ending, I was feeling lost. I had the cliche twenty-something-year-old thoughts of not knowing what I wanted to do with my life, or who I wanted to be. Before entering 2021, I wanted a word to represent my goals for the year. The first word that came to my mind was “Yes”. I wanted to say yes more. I wanted to do more. I wanted to have less fear of saying yes: I had my heart set on pushing my comfort zone beyond my previous limits. The way to do that? Just say yes. So, that’s exactly what I did. 

I said yes to some of the most intense, inspiring, exhausting, humbling, creative, fear-ridden circumstances in 2021. Every. Single. Day. Some of which my mind couldn’t even properly comprehend that I was saying yes. But I stuck with it. I became the best version of myself thus far, and to be honest, even in 2022, I keep getting better every day because of it. By pushing myself so far past my limits, my comfort zone began to shift, and I started to fully trust myself and my capabilities to always figure things out. I started shifting my lens to look at fear as excitement. We’re scuba diving with sharks? I am so excited. Living in a foreign country with people I’ve never met? Can’t wait! Did I just said yes to rock climbing a 100ft route overhanging above a river? Me? Oh I’m not scared, I am just SO EXCITED (that one took a bit to shift).

My highest highs and my lowest lows happened in 2021. I never thought it was possible to endure so much emotion in a given year, but I think that’s what made it so beautiful. By accepting every challenge that came my way for 365 days, I see the world in such a different light: Instead of seeing an endless dark and cold tunnel, I see a temporarily dark and cold tunnel with the warmest and brightest sun waiting to shine on me at the end. To come out of 2021 with a clearer sense of who I am and what I can undergo is the coolest and most rewarding feeling that trumps any of those hardships and lows that 2021 brought me. 

I encourage you to come up with one word for 2022. Whatever you come up with, stick with it. Challenge it. And by the end of 2022, be proud of it. 


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